LinkedIn Data Scraping Services - Scrape LinkedIn Profiles and Company Data

With Crawl Magic Solutions, LinkedIn Data Scraping Services offer precise and vital LinkedIn data such as followers, photos, comments, emails, name, business category, hashtag, title, profile, ID, profile image, region views, posts, likes, business address, Jobs, website, phone, and more. Simply specify your desired location, and our professionals will efficiently scrape the data you need. Obtain accurate data quickly and without any technical hassle. Utilize high-quality LinkedIn data feeds sourced from the LinkedIn website and mobile app to enhance your project. Avail the Best LinkedIn Data Scraping Services in the USA, UK, UAE, Italy, Jamaica, Germany, India, Austria, Japan, and Singapore.

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Scraping LinkedIn Post Data Using Hashtags and Keywords
  • Hashtags play a crucial role on LinkedIn, enabling the platform to monitor topics relevant to users and enhance user experience.
  • By using hashtags, LinkedIn users can expand their reach and share updates with individuals outside their immediate network without requiring connections, comments, or likes on status updates.
  • This helps raise brand awareness and establishes a brand presence on LinkedIn.
  • When users search for hashtags on LinkedIn, they can easily find associated companies, people, groups, and posts related to that topic.
Scraping Job Data as Per Experience, Company, and Dates
  • Utilizing LinkedIn for hiring is undoubtedly one of the most efficient methods available. Candidates sourced through LinkedIn are associated with a 40% lower likelihood of leaving their job within six months, and they often demonstrate exceptional quality and commitment to recruiters.
  • LinkedIn Job Scraper serves as a valuable tool by enabling the extraction of job data from available listings to spreadsheets.
  • This data can then be seamlessly integrated into platforms like Google Sheets.
Scraping Company Data as Per Industry, Locations, & Keywords
  • At Crawlmagic Solutions, our LinkedIn data extraction tool gathers LinkedIn Company URLs as its primary input.
  • We meticulously visit each company page to extract publicly available data.
  • Alongside LinkedIn Company Data, our offering extends to Crawlmagic's LinkedIn Industry, Location, & Keyword Extraction Crawler.
  • This robust tool enables the extraction of websites for scraping essential data such as email addresses, contact numbers, or social media posts.
Scraping People’s Data as Per Title, Company, and Keywords
  • Recruiting via LinkedIn stands out as the most effective method available.
  • Candidates sourced through LinkedIn exhibit a 40% lower likelihood of job turnover within six months, showcasing their exceptional commitment to recruiters.
  • Our LinkedIn Job Scraper serves as a valuable tool, enabling you to extract job data directly into spreadsheets.
  • This data can then seamlessly integrate with Google services.

Why Choose Crawl Magic Solutions for Retail Analytics?

Achieve an impressive 99% product matching accuracy.
Benefit from patented data scraping technology that covers global websites.
Enjoy rapid 10-second data refresh rates.
Gain valuable insights through Predictive Analytics and Trend Forecasting.
Leverage Retail AI across 6 continents and over 100 languages.
Accelerate Data Analysis and Ensure Accurate Data Feeds for Actionable Insights

Real Professionals with Years of Expertise

Connect with our seasoned professionals for insights across various industries without any commitment to sign up. Gain valuable knowledge on industry trends and discover how leveraging web-based data can keep your business relevant in today's fast-paced digital landscape, especially as online services become increasingly important. Reach out to us to speak directly with a professional and explore ways to enhance your business.

Contact us, talk to one professional, and find ways to help your business.


What Our Client Says

Read our challenging Customer Case Studies and find out our solutions.

“Great Work Done by Crawlmagic team. team is brilliant in web data scraping fields. We had a very good experience working with the Crawlmagic team and the people are very fast at work and have very good knowledge.”

- Vincent de Vos

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