
E-Commerce Product Mapping Services and Product Data Matching Scraping

Product matching is a critical aspect of competitive data analysis. Leveraging advanced machine learning technologies, the "product mapping" process involves identifying and aligning product attributes, such as features, locations, pricing, and other details, across various sources. In the USA, UK, UAE, and Spain, you can access Product Data Matching Scraping Services, which include extracting product attributes like titles, descriptions, and images. These services encompass Product Title Matching, Pricing Comparison, and Image Similarities, providing comprehensive insights for informed decision-making. Trust Crawl Magic to deliver accurate and efficient product matching solutions tailored to your business needs.

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product mapping

Advantage Of Product Mapping

Product Title Matching

In the title parallel section, machine learning algorithms are employed to match products by assessing the similarity of their titles. This methodology enables swift identification of matching titles, even in cases where the comparison strings exhibit significant differences. Leveraging advanced techniques, our system efficiently analyzes and correlates product titles, providing accurate and reliable matching results. Trust Crawl Magic to harness the power of machine learning for precise and effective product matching solutions tailored to your business requirements.

Pricing Comparison

It's common to find similar products offered at roughly comparable prices. However, when one offer stands out significantly, it may indicate exclusivity or unique features. It's also important to note that there are instances where the opposite holds true. Our price distribution analysis identifies similar offerings and highlights any outliers, providing valuable insights into market trends and pricing strategies. Trust Crawl Magic to deliver comprehensive price analysis solutions tailored to your business needs.

Image Similarities

The concept underlying image similarities mirrors that of title similarities, aiming to identify products with comparable visual attributes. Analyzing visual similarities proves invaluable for identifying similar products, though it can pose challenges when there's insufficient identified data available. Factors such as varying viewpoints, brightness levels, color temperatures, and other characteristics of similar product photos can complicate the process. Despite these challenges, our advanced algorithms effectively navigate these complexities to deliver accurate image similarity analysis. Trust Crawl Magic to provide robust solutions for identifying and analyzing visual similarities among products.

Extracting Attributess

The concept underlying image similarities mirrors that of title similarities, aiming to identify products with comparable visual attributes. Analyzing visual similarities proves invaluable for identifying similar products, though it can pose challenges when there's insufficient identified data available. Factors such as varying viewpoints, brightness levels, color temperatures, and other characteristics of similar product photos can complicate the process. Despite these challenges, our advanced algorithms effectively navigate these complexities to deliver accurate image similarity analysis. Trust Crawl Magic to provide robust solutions for identifying and analyzing visual similarities among products.

product mapping

Product Mapping Types


Closely matching goods are those having same attributes.


Similar matching goods are almost equal products but vary to some extent from one another because of some factors, like color.

Product Mapping Methods

The technology initiates with various data analysis algorithms to quantify the degree of product discrepancies. Product category similarity forms the foundation for all product-matching algorithms. While matching goods, there may exist slight variations, encompassing aspects such as brands, color, dimensions, model, quality, and more. These factors contribute to the nuanced understanding of product similarities and enable the identification of matching products with precision. Trust Crawl Magic to employ advanced algorithms for accurate product matching tailored to your specific needs.


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Scale on a Huge Canvas

There are no limits at Crawl Magic for total request to be served or number of records to get scraped.

Customize Completely

Crawl Magic platform gets configured in line with client’s precise requirements at all levels.

Domain Proficiency

We proudly serve small, medium, and large companies to Fortune 500 companies having ample amount of experience.

Guaranteed Quality

We provide guaranteed 99.9% accuracy consistently in web data scraping quality data.

No Blockages

We utilize multiple proxies, make suitable delays, as well as solves Captcha in actual time in web scraping and data extraction.


We are driving the evolution of retail technology


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Emily Cooper
Co-Founder / Head of Product at Tera BullionData Inc.
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“Great Work Done by Crawlmagic team. team is brilliant in web data scraping fields. We had a very good experience working with the Crawlmagic team and the people are very fast at work and have very good knowledge.”

- Vincent de Vos


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