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Web Scraping Services

Top-trusted Web scraping & Web crawling company in USA and UK
1000+ Global Networks | Top Rated on Marketplace | 1500+ Positive Reviews

  • 24/7 Available
  • Free consultant
  • 100% Accurate Web Scrapper
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web scraping services

Trusted by 2500+ companies across the globe

Our Services

Web Scraping Services

Complete web scraping services from scraping data from the website to deploying data into the database. Try a Free demo!

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Mobile App Scraping

Excellent solution for mobile app scrpaing. Scrape accurate data from any mobile application, Gives you strctured data in your desired format.

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Data sets

Thousand of diffrent industry and diffrent location datasets avilable, You can also customise your own dataset as you need. Try clean and customised dataset!

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Different Industries Benefit With
Web Scraping Services


E-commerce is more leveraging web scraping technology. E-commerce data scraping is mainly used in real-time data scraping, inventory data management, product data reviews, data scraping, and price monitoring. We offer these all the different services in our single e-commerce data scraping services. You can get data like Product price, Images, URL, Reviews, Live price, Rating, and more. You can get free samples of any e-commerce website. Some popular websites which we scrape continually

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Ready-to-use Web Scrapers & APIs

Popular scrapers

Crawlmagic offers Quick web scrapers for website, instad of developing customised scraper, Use pre-bulit scraper

View all Scraper
Instant Scraper (For any website)

Fast and Accurate data scraping from websites, easy process and no coding, click the button and it starts extracting data from websites.

Amazon Product data Scraper

Scrapes each product data from the Amazon website, Fast and Real-time data scraping, data like Price, Url, Images, Rating & Review, and more.

Tiktok Scraper

Scrapes data of TikTok users and trending content of TikTok, Fastly data scrapes through Hashtags, Location, and more.

Instagram Scraper

Scrapes your targeted data from Instagram with Instagram scraper, Scrapes data like username, business name, location, etc.

Twitter Scraper

Easy to track any twites, Analyze user data, Bulk messages, and scrape the data about trending topics on Twitter.

Yelp Scraper

Extracts the residential property data around the city, price, location, images, sqft, videos, and rating.

About Crawlmagic & Team

We have access to 100+ million of data from different categories of websites through web-scraping solutions. We provide more valuable data in a user-friendly format to our customers. We design customer web scrapers & web crawlers for fast data extraction.

We make unstructured data into structured & useable data for easy use; our web data scraping services are easy, reliable, and fast for your project.

We have high-level industry experts who can bypass any web scraping problems in minutes.

Our experts are always available for you!

Data Formats and Delivery

Convert data into any format or structure
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Auto Data Delivery to All Locations
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We are driving the evolution of retail technology

Years Of Experience
Successful Project
Engineers In - House
Web workflows automated weekly

Talk with experts! Scrape your data

Try free consultan to #1 top leading web scraping company

  • Top Rated on Market Places
  • Average response in 10 minutes
  • 24/7 support anytime, anywhere

We're at multiple places globally

We are the top-growing web scraping company in USA, and we are expanding our branches globally.

804 Ratnanjali square
Prahlad nagar Ahmedabad
+91 8511717396

What Our Client Says

Read our most-trusted client experience with us, What thoughts for us

“Great Work Done by Crawlmagic team. team is brilliant in web data scraping fields. We had a very good experience working with the Crawlmagic team and the people are very fast at work and have very good knowledge.”

- Vincent de Vos

“It was great to work with them. They did the work expected with ease. Also, They met the hard deadline. I will definitely hire them again and again.”

- CEO - AutoScrappinng: Automation + Data Science

“Crawl Magic Solutions provides data extraction services for a web design and SEO agency. They're helping extract and transfer data from various websites for a third-party client.”

- Owner - Web Design & SEO Firm


What Our Client Says

Read our challenging Customer Case Studies and find out our solutions.